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hanny cover

Looking for a place to have a nice outing with your loved one? Or how about a girls or guys night out? Hanny’s is one of my favorite spots!

Back in 1947 this place used to be a dry goods and department store. After the war the department store closed and was left abandon for years, it was then used by the Phoenix Fire Department as a training facility. In 2008 it finally opened as you know it today, Hanny’s.

If you go up to the second floor you can reserve semi private events where your guest can look over to see a panoramic view of everything and everyone. On the same floor is the restrooms where you’ll find yourself a bit confused by the neon lights, mirrors, and symbols on each of the bathroom doors. This was the area that used to be were the cashiers rang up customers back when it was a department store.

As you make your way around the restaurant you’ll see the remnants of a elevator that was once in service. It is said that the Fire Department most likely took it out for practicing repelling down. If you step into the empty elevator and look down it can be a little shocking to know that there is only plexiglass separating you and the lower level. If you look up you can see a never ending duplication of yourself thanks to the mirror effect they have mounted above.

As you head to the North side of the building you will see they kept the original artwork of the designer names that were sold in the once department store. Below to the right you will see mannequin art. This art piece has antlers on its head, covered in beads, and has baby doll heads on its rear. Now if you didn’t think that was unique, behind the mannequin art is a spiral staircase that will catch your interest and admiration.

As you work your way down this spiral staircase, you will be greeted by a doll. Yep, thats right, a “doll”. As you continue to work your way down, you’ll see over a dozen dolls positioned in row as a door is lying by their feet. They were meant to be a temporary art piece but now they are part the Hanny’s experience. There are only three original dolls, most are made out of porcelain, and nameless. They give off an eerie feeling as they seem to be watching you no matter where you move. The door that lys at their feet is covered with hundreds of coins. We don’t know when or how the coin tossing tradition started, but please refrain from aiming the coins directly at the porcelain doll that are behind the chained fence.

This blog does not give Hanny’s any justice. If you are looking for a unique, fun experience with your partner or friends, you have to check out Hanny’s today!!


Belinda Dominguez

Belinda Dominguez

Hey AZ State Living Tribe! We work with clients that want to make their Realty dreams a Reality. If you are looking for Realtors who will give you the best client representation, has great follow up skills, and will provide a personable experience; then we would love to work with you!